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|Tranzitorij 2007|



Indian Philosophy


The course (2 hours per week during 2 semesters) is optional, it is part od the undergraduate study programe, and is being delivered on two levels: one, consisting of introductory lectures by which acquaintance is provided with the main philosophical problems of the archaic, classic and modern schools of Indian philosophy, both in historical and systematic perspective. The other aspect consists of presenting seminar projects by advanced students, and serves as an approach to the study of selected philosophical texts. On both levels, the course is oriented towards reflecting methodological aspects of comparativism, in its positive and critical aspects. A greate importance is being payed to the mode of teaching viz. learning during the course. The lecturer addresses the participants of the course constantly, insisting on their con-current reading of selected primary and secondary literature, on asking questions during the course but also on reflecting their own questions.

For a more detaild description of the subject see the official web pages of the Department of Philosophy under this link with further links to exam literature and syllabi for actual courses.






[Standard themes]

THE MODERN NOTION OF PHILOSOPHY and the controversy about non-western ‚thought-traditions‘ — COMPARATIVISM: The idea of ”archetypes” and the figure of eager for knowledge (philo-sophia vs. điđñâsâ); the myth of the philosophical renounciation of the world and the philosophical project of true and real; models of unity and plurality of thought and reality — CULTURALISM: cultural sciences, “mutliculutralism” and the problem of translation

BRAHMANIZAM: the systematic and historical context of indian philosophy: the order of vedic ‚sciences‘, the aequivocal meaning of the term ‘vedanta’ and the upanishadic critique of non-authentic ritualism; return to mythic sources (vâć, śruti); the figure of the philosopher (sannyâsin)

UPANISHADS —  NÂSTIKA PHILOSOPHIES: early buddhism: revolution of dhammâ and paradoxies of nirvâna — jainizam (relativism vs perspectivism) — materialistic teachings

BHÂGAVADGÎTA: ethics of duty and the metaphysical paradox of free acting


The Course 2005/06.

“Indian philosophy: Philosophical understanding and culturalism”

Kolegij 2006/07.

“The idea of person in Indian philosophy: I, Self and personality”




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Tranzitorij 2007